Monday, December 5, 2011

The Lady Is Dead - PAG

A very striking video, which drew crosslines to Lion in my mind;

This video gives evokes a sense of 'emotional raw' in my head, beautiful images that aren't necessarily pretty but are extremely attractive sensually.

superego vs id, homosexual taboo, the old rich; the old woman is especially captivating and reminds me a bit of Scarlett in her brokeness? Yet all seem to be fighting their way out of a Limbo with gothic elements (I can see Isobel climbing on the bodies).

A Mixture of tragedy and farce, leaving me with a borderline of emotional response.

This video was under controversy and there are mild sexual themes: viewer discretion is advised!

1 comment:

  1. Mild sexual themes? a tea party, indeed :-)
    And a good bit of 'drag'
